Global Tax calculations at your fingertips

Tax Calculator Instructions

There are two parts to the tax calculator instructions. Each tax calculator contains detailed instructions on how to use the specific features within the calculator to produce different calculations. In addition, there are general tax calculators features and functionality that are available on all of our tax calculators.

On this page, we provide details of the general functionality of all of our tax calculators and how to use those features

Tax Calculator General Functionality

At the top of the Tax Calculator, you will notice a ribbon which contains specific icons. These icons allow you to change the specific functionality and interfaces of the Tax Calculator. These functions are designed to improve your user experience and tailor the tool and results to suit your needs. If you would like additional features, please submit your request on our contact page.

  • Quick and Detailed Calculation Modes: The quick calculation [ the icon ] allows you to enter the minimal details required to produce a calculation. The detailed calculation [ the icon ] allows you to enter additional details to refine your calculation and/or produce more detailed calculations and results.
  • Minimised View and Maximised View Modes: This feature is for desktop and tablet users only. The minimised view [ the icon ] allows you to use the tax calculator alongside the instructions and detailed information provided to support use of the calculator. The maximised view [ the icon ] allows you to use a larger calculator interface, this is particularly useful when working with more detailed calculations.
  • Currency Modes: This ffeature allows you to see the calculated results as simple numbers or with the currency specified within the results. To show the results with the currency, please click on the currency button [ the icon ]